The U.S. State Department 2017 Human Rights Report states that child abuse and
sexual violence towards children is persistent and widespread in Liberia.
This is one of the devastating legacies of the civil war.
Many times, because of poverty children are exploited by people in positions of authority who require sexual favors for daily necessities or to further a child’s education.
Awareness, Education, and Prevention
In partnership with our implementation workers, we use an animated flip chart to educate children to understand the dangers of trafficking and sexual abuse, to recognize the signs of abuse and how to avoid abusive situations, and how to get help. Through this program, children know their rights to their bodies, that they are valuable, and are protected.
- I own my body!
- I am special, and I should feel proud.
- I will tell someone if I feel bad.
Through the flip chart children are taught potential approaches and manipulation that perpetrators use and learn how to stay safe. They are given resources to get help if they, or a friend, are a victim of abuse.
Our goal is to BREAK THE SILENCE surrounding physical and sexual abuse and trafficking by creating informed and empowered children.
Orphan Relief and Rescue funds the Liberian government’s national Anti-Trafficking and Sexual Abuse Prevention Hotline in partnership with World Hope International. This is a free nationwide crisis hotline to get help with suspected or known cases of human trafficking, sexual abuse, assault, or physical abuse. Calling the hotline connects a person to an advocate who can refer the case to the appropriate authorities and, when appropriate, connect the person to a social worker for follow-up. The hotline is advertised publicly on billboards, over the radio, and in schools throughout Liberia.
The Hotline is a strategic element of the National Pathway to Combat Trafficking and is mentioned in the 2017 U.S. State Department Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report.
Our Break the Silence program has educated and empowered 10,082 children to know that they can say no to sexual and physical abuse. We have trained 155 caregivers and government workers in our anti-abuse workshop and equipped them to expand the Break the Silence program to a larger number of children.