Saturday, April 27, 2024
Join us on April 27, 2024 at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA for an IN-PERSON night of celebrating life and hope for children and families in West Africa because of you! This evening is dedicated to overcoming injustice towards children in the areas of abuse, neglect, and child-trafficking.
Because of your generous contributions, the cycle of trafficking is changing by creating flourishing communities that protect children and train the next generation to provide for their families!
This event is always the highlight of our year to see the ORR community gather and celebrate what we have done together!
What to expect?
6:30 pm: Cocktail hour, live music, silent auction
7:00 pm: Dinner, entertainment, raffle, and program
9:30 pm: DJ Dancing
Formal attire
Would you consider extending a personal invitation to others interested in helping the most vulnerable children in Benin and Liberia, West Africa?