Juliette* is a 13 year old girl, who was rescued from becoming a child bride in Benin.
Juliette was sent to live with her grandmother so that both parents could would work in Nigeria. Her aging grandmother was unable to care for her, and was pursuing marriage prospects in older men. Unfortunately, this is a common scenario for young girls living in poverty. When our Anti-Trafficking team became aware of her possible fate, we were able to place her in our Intervention program. Today, she is living in the safety of a foster home and attends school in the local village, which will provide her the opportunity for a bright and healthy future.
Forced marriage for child brides is largely unknown as a terrible form of slavery.
Had Juliette been married at the tender age of 13, she would have been removed from school, raped daily, become pregnant in a matter of months, and her life would have been set in a trajectory of servitude to the man who is her husband.
*Name changed to protect privacy and identity.