We Dare to Dream
by Stefan Lako, Programs Director I often find myself contemplating this quote from Walt Disney, “If you can dream it, you can do it”. It is a curious statement, one that I hope is correct, but often struggle to fully believe. At Orphan Relief and Rescue we dream of a future where children are safe from the dangers of abuse, …
A Child’s Pain Turns Into A Mission
In Benin, we do a lot of family tracing and documentation of children who had been lost in the trafficking world, who have been intercepted from being taken, or who never even existed on paper. Due to poverty, most families do not have the eight dollars needed for a birth certificate, nor do many parents know how to read or …
An Exciting Addition in Liberia
I want to introduce you to our new staff member in Liberia, Steve Pasinski. Steve is leading our amazing Liberian team of nationals and we are super excited to have him work with us, as his huge heart for the Liberian people is evident to everyone he comes into contact with. Steve makes everyone around him feel cared for, accepted and …
What is Success?
We love the Christmas season where everything is simply more meaningful and we are able to reflect on what has been accomplished over the year, with your partnership. We also have great anticipation and excitement for the beautiful stories of redemption that will be unfolding in the new year ahead. I am often posed the question of how we gauge …
The Story of Gladis
Click on the arrow below to begin listening to the story of Gladis. Click on the invitation below to register to attend the Gala!
Anna’s Story
Click on the arrow below to begin listening to more about Anna. Click on the invitation below to register to attend the Gala!
New Realities
School has begun in both Liberia and Benin. The craziness of getting over 300 children ready for their classes each year is always a huge marathon for our staff. This task is not for the weak of heart. Every uniform is tailor-made for each child. School supplies, registration and other fees are different for every school, and keeping these all …