By Genae Lako, Donor Relations and Communications Yesterday some of you may have noticed the red X plastered across your Facebook and Twitter news feed with a #EnditMovement hash tag. Or perhaps some of you may have sported your own X for the day. Vibrantly painted on the back of your hand, the X was a symbol that represented your …
Small Beginnings
By Stefan Lako, Programs Director Few things start off big. Most often something begins small and experiences growth throughout a gradual process. The process is often slow, painful, unpredictable, yet beautifully unique. The air was hot and my shirt stuck to my back as we walked down the dirt road through a village. I was visiting Benin as a part …
Radical Transformations
By Rebecca Pratt, President and Co-Founder Holding a starving baby girl weighing only 4.4 lbs as a five month old was heart wrenching. As I held this little one, named Lucresse, in my arms she was panting fast and quick shallow breaths as if at any minute she would take her last. I honestly did not know what to do. I …